Stock Rom / Firmware LG X Cam Dual K580DSF Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow (V10C)


Download Stock Rom / Firmware for LG X Cam Dual
Model                      K580DSF (V10C)
Country / Region     OP Brasil
Language                Multi Language
Android                   6.0.1 Marshmallow
Date                        2017-03-22
Size                         1.5 GB

Tutorial to install stock rom / firmware on LG X Cam Dual K580DSF << Here >>

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We are not sure if it is correct, feel free to send us
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Thank you for your contribution.

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uma correção através dos comentários ou email: 
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source          lg firmwares

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For any damage to the devices.
The responsibility is entirely of the user.
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Google account
We recommend saving the email
And Google account password in advance
Used in this device, as it may
Be requested after the installation of the rom,
Thus avoiding removing the Google account
of LG X Cam Dual K580DSF (V10C)

La contraseña para descomprimir el archivo es la dirección URL del sitio
A senha para descompactar o arquivo é o url do site
The password to unzip the file is the site url

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